First Kerala School Education Congress (KSEC) 2023
First Kerala School Education Congress (KSEC) 2023

First Kerala School Education Congress (KSEC) 2023

Event DatesApril 1-3, 2023
Organized By:General Education Department under the auspices of SCERT Kerala
Sponsored By:
Indian Anthropology Congress 2023

The Kerala School Education Congress-2023 (KSEC-2023) will be organized by the
General Education Department under the auspices of SCERT Kerala for the first time in the state of Kerala from April 1-3, 2023. It will be an annual event and a platform to bring together administrators, policymakers, faculty members, teacher educators, teacher trainees, parents, students, and interested persons to exchange knowledge and share advances in the field of school education. The Congress is envisioned to promote research on school education for the benefit of the state.

Target Group

  • Policy Makers of school and higher education
  • School Administrators
  • Faculty members of schools, colleges, universities and teacher training institutions
  • Researchers
  • Students
  • Persons of educational interest

Focal Theme

‘Quality Interventions in School Education for NAVA KERALAM’

Venue and Date

The congress will be held from April 1-3, 2023, at Thiruvananthapuram

Objectives of KSEC

● To network educational institutions at different levels- higher education, teacher education, school education, research institutes and other allied institutions.
● To present themes to bring out key suggestions to augment the quality interventions in
School Education.
● To compile and consolidate inputs towards policy framing and decision-making in the field of school education.
● To disseminate the interventions and measures taken in school education by the state.
● To share the best practices and innovations of teachers and students from different levels of education.


Intending participants can register for the Kerala School Education Congress-2023 by
filling the Google Form given below.

The registration process involves the following steps. Intending delegates need to
upload personal details, photograph and remit the registration fee and fill the details in the
Google Form.

The abstract for paper presentation during the conference can be uploaded in the
Google form. If not presenting paper, the registration can be done for ‘Participation only’.
The payment details need to be filled up during registration.

Registration Fee:

Participants/ Delegates
Registration Fee – Rs. 1000/-
Bona fide students/Research Fellows
Registration Fee- Rs. 500/-
The Registration fee can be paid online as per the details given below
Account Name : SCERT Director
Bank and Branch : SBI, Poojappura
Account number : 57001159138
IFSC : SBIN0070032

Students and young researchers presenting papers below 35 years will get reimbursement of their travel expenses and will be provided accommodation at SCERT Guest House.

Submission of papers

Papers in any of the subthemes in consonance with the focal theme are invited for presentation in the congress. Registration for the conference is mandatory for presentation
of paper. Those who are not presenting papers can register under the category
“Participation Only”. Awards will be given to best presentation in each sub theme. The
award carries merit certificate and cash prize

The abstract should conform to the guidelines given below.
● An author can make only one presentation in the conference as principal author but
can be a co-author of other papers.
● Abstracts should not exceed 500 words.
● It should be in word format, font size 12, Times New Roman with a line space 1.5.
● The title of the paper should be in upper case, font size 14, bold with centre alignment.
● The authors and their affiliations are to be given below the title.

Important Date

Last date for Registration for submission of abstracts: 15 February 2023
Last Date for communication of acceptance for paper presentations: 20 February 2023
Last Date for submission of extended abstracts: 5 March 2023
Last date of registration for Participation only: 5 March 2023

There will be no spot registration for the KSEC-2023.

Contact Details

Dr. Jayaprakash R. K.

Joint Convener
Dr. M.R. Sudarsanakumar
Academic Consultant

Dr.Sudarsanan L.
Research Officer

For Correspondence
Dr.Sudarsanan L.
Research Officer
SCERT Kerala
Poojappura P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram -695012ǀ
0471-2341883ǀ 9446244244
E-mail: [email protected]

Official link