Positive thoughts Positive Actions

By rashmijsr on Thu, 05 January 2012 at 17:16 IST
Positive thoughts Positive Actions


As we think so will be our behavior. There is a direct connection between our thoughts and action. If we think positive it will be displayed in our behavior and if we think negative and try to look positive that will also be displayed in our actions. I have seen people thinking negative and smiling in front of me and sometimes praising me but i know those words do not come from heart and you can easily make out how happy the other person is with your achievements. Its always better to be true to ourselves and never become a impostor. Have a positive frame of mind and think positive. Our body is never harmed when we carry positive thoughts in our mind, its only when we start thinking negative that our body undergoes stress and we become a victim to all possible diseases.

Why we cannot be happy when the other person who may be our competitor or our friend achieves something ? Why can't we praise them ? Why we brood and do back biting ? Why we stress ourselves and live unhappy lives ? The answer is that we want only our own success and if others succeed we feel jealous and this jealousy causes lots and lots of problems in the long run. Think from the other side if we were happy with others achievements or our friends achievements we would have been the happiest person on earth and our heart would be pure.

My elders tell me see Ram Dev Baba Pravachan everyday, it calms your mind. Yes it really calms because he tells us to concentrate our energy on something positive rather than negative. Why we people cannot change our selves and move away from negativity and concentrate our energy on some positive thoughts. Every person achieves according to the amount of hard work he / she puts in, then why brood. Lets be happy individuals and plan our success by having a specific vision and goal in life. Lets not do something because we want to copy someone and because the other person is doing and making money. No don't do that. Do what your heart feels is correct, what your mind says is good. Don't do something just to show someone how big you are, do something for your own happiness. Live for your and others well being.

Lets become positive individuals and transfer the positive energy and enlighten every human being by our positive rays.

Rashmi Priya, corporate trainer and young motivator holds MBA degree in Human Resource and Marketing ( INDIA). She is globally recognized as Personality development and Management trainer. Her coaching and mentoring has helped many people achieve their goals. To her credits, she has conducted over 50 workshops, influenced over thousand's of participants through out India. Rashmi Priya is Founder & Corporate Trainer at Attitude School, which is a recognized firm to help students and corporates achieve their goals. She has helped students achieve success by clearing interviews and Group discussions by her active and fun filled sessions. She has helped working professionals, CEO, Entrepreneur to shed their inhibitions and effectively speak in public and achieve desired success in the corporate ladder. Rashmi Priya is Chief Executive Officer at vinayRas Infotech - Web development Company, Director SimplyFreshers.com - Jobsite for Freshers. She is Soft skills trainer in Jaycees. She has keen interest in writing on topics ranging from HR, Motivation to Women Empowerment. She is regular writer at The Hitavada - Nagpur's largest selling newspaper. She is also an expert author for - EzineArticles.com, GoArticles.com, Nagpurpulse.com, Indcareer.com, articlesfactory.com and other global websites. She has received “HRCI” certificate for attending conference organized by workforce.com Received award for " Best Reporting of Training Programs" at Zone Conference 2011, Zone 9, JCI India. Know more about me at - http://www.rashmipriya.com