Basic Biology exam model questions Paper with answer

Updated on Mon, 22 September 2014 at 18:24 IST

Basic Biology exam model questions Paper with answer

1. The key difference between an ectotherm and an endotherm is that

ectotherms generate energy mainly from fermentation; endotherms mainly from cell respiration
ectotherms are mostly aquatic animals; endotherms are mostly terrestrial
ectotherms warm their bodies by absorbing environmental heat; endotherms mainly use metabolic heat to warm their bodies
ectotherms are “cold-blooded” animals with a body temperature that cannot reach the high body temperatures of endotherms
ectotherms are all invertebrates; endotherms are all vertebrates
2. Which of the following results in long-term immunity?

the passage of maternal antibodies to her developing fetus
the inflammatory response to a splinter
the administration of serum obtained from people immune to rabies
the administration of the chickenpox vaccine
the passage of maternal antibodies to her nursing infant
3. In negative pressure breathing, inhalation results from
a. forcing air from the throat down into the lungs d. contracting the diaphragm
b. using muscles of the lungs to expand the alveoli e. contracting the abdominal muscles
c. relaxing the muscles of the rib cage

4. Simple cuboidal epithelium usually functions in
a. secretion of substances by glands d. covering body surfaces
b. lining internal surfaces subject to abrasion e. attaching muscles to bone
c. packing and padding body parts

5. Buds and sprouts often form on tree stumps. Which of the following hormones would you expect to stimulate their formation?
a. auxin b. cytokinins c. abscisic acid d. ethylene e. gibberellins

6. Stomata open when guard cells

sense an increase in CO2 in the air spaces of the leaf
flop open because of a decrease in turgor pressure
become more turgid because of an influx K+, followed by the osmotic entry of water
close aquaporins, preventing uptake of water
accumulate water by active transport
7. Acts like a fixed lens
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

8. Area of the retina rich in cone cells for color vision
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9 e. 10

9. Wood consists of
a. bark b. periderm c. secondary xylem d. secondary phloem e. cork

10. Only an animal species with a diaphragm can be expected to have
a. hair b. feathers c. scales d. lungs e. moist skin


1. C, 2. D,3. E,4. A,5. B,6. C,7. D,8. D,9. B,10. C

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